Recently added to the list of candidates from your suggestions have been Paul Robinson and Stuart Taylor. We had previously already ruled out David James and Robert Green. But from here on in can we rule out all goalkeepers? Vote at the bottom of this page. Below are direct quotes from TSF’s article in The Guardian on April 9th which are seemingly good reasons for us to rule goalkeepers out. The poll is open until midnight on May 4.

“I once won a free-kick playing at Old Trafford and a Manchester United player brought the ball over to the spot where it was to be taken from and handed it to the referee.”

“Apparently I came in for a particularly vicious barrage after miscontrolling a pass – a cardinal sin, admittedly”

“[on referees] lambasting him every time he gives something against you and jogging past him and “getting in his ear”. I don’t overly like it and I’m uncomfortable doing it.”

“It was many years ago that I came to realise that making a referee laugh increased my chances of getting a free-kick to go in my favour shortly after.”

Can we rule out all goalkeepers?

  • Yes (89%, 42 Votes)
  • No (11%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 47

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