This is a great article on the attitudes of players and clubs towards being in the Premier League for the first time.

TSF manages to take a nice little swipe at the lazy punditry we see all over, in this case it is Alan Hansen and MOTD that take the glut.

He says he has played in the Premier League for a newly promoted club, so we can add that to the checklist.

Also, not a huge clue but he alludes to the fact he has a nickname when he says, ‘After a while you begin to notice a change: the handshakes come, they might even start calling you by your nickname.’ But then I wonder which footballer doesn’t?!

Anything else you’ve noticed from this article or from any of his tweets? -Leave a comment below :)

UPDATE: DeHoeder (below) has found an article claiming that West Ham have/had a club Chaplain. TSF stated in this weeks article, “..around the club everything is done on and off the field to encourage you to retain top-flight status … staff numbers are swelled by the addition of the best chefs, player liaison officers … and, bizarrely, at one of my clubs, a resident priest“.